Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So I keep saying that I want to start a blog and capture all of the hilarious, and not so hilarious moments of my kid's life. But let's be real, I don't have that kind of time. So if I capture even 1/16th of her moments, I'll be doing much better than I ever anticipated I would with this blog. Add to that the fact that I work full time, and have the single worst case of pregnancy brain (4 years later) that I have ever seen, this should get interesting. I've resigned myself to the fact that I will need to either be near a computer 24/7 or will need to carry a notebook with me 24/7 so that I can instantly jot down the things I want to remember to blog about when I have the 2 seconds of free time I get in a night!

Take tonight for instance, I know there were plenty of things that she did to make me giggle tonight.....I just know it. But do you think I can remember more than just the most recent one? Of course not.

On that note, for some reason, my kid seems to think that I always need to turn the light on in the bathroom for her instead of her doing it herself, even though she knows how to do it and can reach it. So she goes to the bathroom and says "Mommy, come here right now before I spank your butt." Ok, ok, so maybe it was only funny to me, but it made me giggle none the less.

I just have one last thing to say.....I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I am envisioning you will in my head. One out of the 10 voices in my head is telling me that there is someone out there who will enjoy this blog, so let's go with that one!


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