Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Hooker

Now I know this blog is supposed to be about my kid, so don't be put off by the title of this post. You'll laugh, I promise. We sure got a good laugh out of it. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days of my innoncence from when I was 4. Then I get over it.

As some of you know, my wonderful boyfriend's family has a cabin in Colorado that we go to often. So for the BF's b-day (which was Thursday) he wanted to come up here for the weekend. So we left Friday after work and school.
We left the cabin around 10:30 this morning and went fishing at a little pond just up the road. No, we didn't catch anything, but Briana and I aren't exactly seasoned fisherwomen either. Then we came back to the cabin and had lunch. Then we drove up the canyon and drove to Lost Lake. It was packed so we decided to just keep driving. We ended up driving on a lot of back roads.

While on one of these back roads, we happened to find a spot that had a sign saying that it was a research spot that looked like it was a prime spot for fishing. So we stopped and brought out the fishing poles. Well it was a really shallow river and it was moving fast so Briana lost her hook at one point. She finally decided to fish again and said that she wanted a hook on her pole. I told her she would have to wait for Andy to get back from the truck because I don't know how to put a hook on the line. So she starts walking to the truck and says she's going to go find the hooker. I asked her who the hooker was and she says "Andy's the hooker." Now I know she didn't mean anything by it other than that he was the one that needed to put the hook on the line, but it made us giggle.

It was a great day with the two people I love the most!

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